If you are finding IGNOU MBAMM MMPP 1 Project – (Marketing Management) then we are the best provider. We provide complete solutions regarding your ignou mbamm mmpp 1 project. We provide project synopsis and project report data according to ignou mbamm project guidelines. Our ignou mbamm project topics are unique.

Topics of IGNOU MBAMM MMPP 1 Project
These are ignou mbamm mmpp 1 project for mba new syllabus topics:
- Case Study (Comprehensive) : Encompassing individual organizational problems, multi functional area problem, analysis as well as recommendation
- Inter-organizational Study: Related with inter-organizational study, the management practices and Validation of Theory
- Field Study Project Proposal (SYNOPSIS): The Synopsis should cover all the important things, such as the objectives, Research Methodology of the project to be written, instruments to be used, sampling, rational, observation, objective analysis clearly.
How to write IGNOU MBAMM MMPP 1 Project Synopsis?
The ignou mmpp 1 project mbamm synopsis of the proposed project should essentially have the following:
- Introduction, brief background, and Rationale of the topic chosen for the project.
- Brief Introduction and vital details of the organization under study
- Statement of the problem
- Objectives of the Project Synopsis
- Research Methodology:
- Research Design
- Nature and source of data/information to be collected.
- Sample and sampling technique. Rationale of chosen organization and the sample.
- Tools and Techniques to be used for data collection – details of the tools/questionnaire to be used and its relevance with the objectives of the project.
- Method/s to be used for data collection.
- Data handling and analysis- organization and analysis of data. Statistical tools to be used for Analysis. Relevance of statistical tools with the objectives of the project.
- Future direction for further research (optional).
- Any other relevant detail which will help better appreciation and understanding of the project proposal.
How to write IGNOU MBAMM MMPP 1 Project Reports?
The ignou mbamm mmpp 1 project report of the proposed project should essentially have the following:
- Title of the Project
- Introduction to the study
- Review of Literature along with brief details of the organization under study.
- Objectives of the Study for project report
- Research Methodology:
- Research Design
- Nature and Source of data/information collected
- Sample and Sampling method with rationale
- Details of the tools:
- The Questionnaire and other methods used and their purpose
- Reliability and Validity of the tools used
- Administration of tools and techniques
- Data collection
- Data Handling, Statistical tools used for Data Analysis
- Data Interpretation and Findings
- Recommendations
- Summary and Conclusion
- Limitations of the Project
- Reference/Bibliography
- Annexure/Appendices (Questionnaire used etc.)
Bio-data of the Guide according to IGNOU MBAMM Project Guidelines
A detailed bio-data of the guide (duly signed, in original, by the guide along with date). The bio-data of the guide must have the following information in manner:
- Name and Date of Birth of the guide.
- Full Address and Contact numbers of residence and current work place.
- Detailed Educational Qualifications – clearly mentioning the Degrees (with specialization), name and address of the University/Institution and the year of award of degree/qualification, along with percentage of marks obtained.
- Detailed work experience, stated clearly in chronological order having details of the designation, period, name and contactable address of the organizations.
Eligible Project Guide
Any MBA degree holder – (Teacher or Any Professionals of Company) having a minimum of 5 years of experience in the relevant area.
In exceptional cases, a guide with a B.E. degree and 5 years of relevant teaching/professional experience may also be considered. Please note that spouse, direct relatives, and blood relations are not permitted to be the guide.
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